While working on this site I wanted to find a simple way of trying out multiple stylesheets for different colour schemes. I originally thought a simple way to do this would be split it in to multiple stylesheets, one for position and another for colour.

Style/Colour (SASS)

  font-family: 'Droid Sans',sans-serif

h1, h2, h3
  font-family: 'Droid Serif',serif

pre, code, tt 
  font-family: 'Droid Sans Mono','andale mono','lucida console',monospace

  font-size: 2em
  line-height: 1.5em
  margin-bottom: 0
  border-bottom-style: solid
  border-bottom-width: 1px

  font-size: 1.5em
  line-height: 1em
  margin-top: 4px
  margin-bottom: 10px
  font-size: 1.5em

Colour (SASS formatting)

  color: #3E7697

h2, h3
  border-color: #3E7697
  color: #3E7697

  color: #333300

However I ran into problems with some of the new css3 features, box shadows in particular. box-shadow does not seem to be able to separate position and colour.

.box_shadow {
 -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px #ffffff; /* Saf3-4, iOS 4.0.2 - 4.2, Android 2.3+ */
  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px #ffffff; /* FF3.5 - 3.6 */
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px #ffffff; /* Opera 10.5, IE9, FF4+, Chrome 6+, iOS 5 */

SASS allows variables to be introduced and has a system of partials or combining multiple SASS files to render the finished CSS. Using both of these techniques allows a semantic colour scheme to be introduced before combining it with the Styling which applies the style (Colour and Position).

If I was to have two variants of my stylesheet light_text_on_dark_background and dark_text_on_light_background the sass files might look like:


@import _base.sass
@import _light_color.sass
@import _position_after_color.sass


@import _base.sass
@import _dark_color.sass
@import _position_after_color.sass

Now the colours, first I give hex colours a mnemonic variable name (black, dark_blue etc) so you know roughly what it looks like, since most colour schemes are only made up of 3 to 4 main colours this relatively easy. I then assign the mnemonic colours to semantic variable names. Every colour scheme must use the same semantic names.


//Mnemonic Colours
$dark:            #333300
$darker:          #664411
$very_light_grey: #F0F0F0
$light_grey:      #97A4A6
$dark_blue:       #3E7697

//Semantic Colours - Every colour scheme file implements these
$back:           $very_light_grey
$text:           $dark
$title:          $dark_blue 
$header:         $dark_blue
$currentnav:     $title
$link:           $darker
$hoverlink:      $title
$lightlink:      $text
$lighthoverlink: $title
$menulink:       $text
$menuhoverlink:  $title

// Radius for nice looking corners
$shadow_color:  $header


//Mnemonic Colours
$black:        #000000
$dark:         #333300
$darker:       #664411
$light_grey:   #97A4A6
$light_blue:   #3E7697
$dark_blue:    #105984

//Semantic Colours - Every colour scheme file implements these
$back:           $black
$text:           $light_grey
$title:          $light_blue
$header:         $dark_blue
$currentnav:     $title
$link:           $darker
$hoverlink:      $title
$lightlink:      $text
$lighthoverlink: $title
$menulink:       $text
$menuhoverlink:  $title

// Radius for nice looking corners
$shadow_color:   $header

The position and styling can then be applied using these semantic names.


$radius: 12px
$shadow_right: 0px
$shadow_top: 0px
$shadow_width: 4px

  -moz-border-radius: #{$radius}
  -webkit-border-radius: #{$radius}
  border-radius: #{$radius}
  -moz-box-shadow: #{$shadow_right} #{$shadow_top} #{$shadow_width} #{$shadow_color}
  -webkit-box-shadow: #{$shadow_right} #{$shadow_top} #{$shadow_width} #{$shadow_color}
  box-shadow: #{$shadow_right} #{$shadow_top} #{$shadow_width} #{$shadow_color}

  color: #{$text}
  background-color: #{$back}
  width: 100%

  color: #{$header}

h2, h3
  border-color: #{$title}
  color: #{$title}

  font-size: 1.5em
  color: #{$text}

  padding: 0px 10px

Some of the Sass setup in Sinatra:

require 'compass' #Must be before Sinatra
require 'sinatra' 
require 'haml'
require 'sass'

configure :development do
 Compass.configuration do |config|
    config.project_path = File.dirname(__FILE__)
    config.sass_dir = 'views/stylesheets'
    config.output_style = :expanded

 configure :production do
 Compass.configuration do |config|
    config.project_path = File.dirname(__FILE__)
    config.sass_dir = 'views/stylesheets'
    config.output_style = :compressed

configure do
  set :haml, { :format => :html5 }
  set :sass, Compass.sass_engine_options