Cake (£? a portion) time to table ~?.
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Ingredients (for 8)
3x25 ml double espresso
200 g plain flour
3 large eggs
320 g unsalted butter
100 g demerara sugar
100 g golden caster sugar
2 tbsp dark rum
250 g icing sugar
1.5 tsp baking powder
{% img left /images/CoffeeCake/morganp-20130518-CoffeeCake-IMG_0801-Ingredients.jpg %}
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C (gas mark 4) chop butter into cubes and leave to soften.
{% img left /images/CoffeeCake/morganp-20130518-CoffeeCake-IMG_0804-Butter.jpg %}
Prepare two 20cm spring form cakes tins, greasing with butter and placing a greaseproof paper disc in the bottom the greasing again.
{% img left /images/CoffeeCake/morganp-20130518-CoffeeCake-IMG_0805-Tin.jpg %}
Mix 200g of butter and the two types of sugar in a food processor.
200g unsalted butter
100g demerara sugar
100g golden caster sugar
Mixin the eggs one by one, in the food processor or seperate bowl.
Add in the flour, baking powder and 2 double espressos.
200 g plain flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
2x25 ml double espresso
{% img left /images/CoffeeCake/morganp-20130518-CoffeeCake-IMG_0808_mix.jpg %}
Spread the mix evenly in the spring form cake tins. Cook in the oven for around 20-25 minutes.
Take break until cake base done.
Once cooked remove tins from oven and leave for 10 mintues to cool, then transfer cakes to a wire rack to cool completely.
Now start top prepare the rummy cream (while cakes cooling): in a food processot mix remaining butter, icing sugar, last double espresso and dark rum.
120 g unsalted butter
250 g icing sugar
25 ml double espresso
2 tbsp dark rum
Place cake base on a plate, spread 2/3 of the rummy cream over the base. Place the next cake on top and evenly spread the remaining rummy cream over the top.
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Finish with a dusting of crushed choclate coffe beans or grated chocolate.
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