"Cowboy Chilli"

Cowboy Style Chilli

Based on recipe from "Jamie Oliver's Recipe" iOS app.

Ingredients (for 6)

1KG            Diced stewing beef
4              Red chillies
2              Red onions
3 sticks       Celery
1 bunch        Spring onions
1 bunch        Fresh coriander
2              Green peppers
2              Red peppers
1              Lime
2 teaspoon     Cumin seeds
1 teaspoon     Cayenne pepper
1 tin 400g     Chopped tomatoes
4 tablespoon   Ground coffee
1.5L           Beef stock
Splash         Red wine vinegar

{% img centre /images/CowboyChilli/morganp-20130908-CowboyChilli-IMG_3948.jpg %} Pre-heat oven 180.
Put a griddle pan on high heat add red peppers for 15 minutes. Turn peppers occasionally until they start to blacken/blister.

2              Red peppers

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Add Chillies to griddle, with peppers and cook for 15 minutes.

4              Red chillies

Transfer Chillies and red peppers to bowl and allow to cool.
Mix beef with salt and 1 tablespoon of coffee.

1KG            Diced stewing beef
1 tablespoon   Ground coffee

{% img centre /images/CowboyChilli/morganp-20130908-CowboyChilli-IMG_3949.jpg %}

Brown beef (around 10 minutes) in a large pan. While roughly chopping celery and onion.

3 sticks       Celery
2              Red onions

Add Celery and Onions to the pan, cook for additional 10 minutes. While removing the blistered skin and seeds from the red peppers.

{% img centre /images/CowboyChilli/morganp-20130908-CowboyChilli-IMG_3952.jpg %}

Remove leaves from coriander then roughly chop the stalks. Add coriander stalks, cumin seeds and cayenne pepper to the pan.

1 bunch        Fresh coriander (stalks)
2 teaspoon     Cumin seeds
1 teaspoon     Cayenne pepper

Brew the remaining coffee with 400ml of boiling water. Make the 1.5 litres of stock.

3 tablespoon   Ground coffee

Add filtered coffee, chopped peppers, tomatoes and the stock to pan.

1 tin 400g     Chopped tomatoes
1.5L           Beef stock

{% img centre /images/CowboyChilli/morganp-20130908-CowboyChilli-IMG_3955.jpg %}

Place lid on pan and place in the preheated oven for 2 hours.


Remove seeds and finely chop green peppers. Finely chop the spring onions. Place green peppers, spring onions and coriander leaves in a bowl.

2              Green peppers
1 bunch        Spring onions
1 bunch        Fresh coriander (leaves)

{% img centre /images/CowboyChilli/morganp-20130908-CowboyChilli-IMG_3957.jpg %}

Add 2 tables spoons of olive oil and add the juice of a lime, mix well.

1              Lime

{% img centre /images/CowboyChilli/morganp-20130908-CowboyChilli-IMG_3958.jpg %}

After 2 hours remove the chilli from the oven add a splash of red wine vinegar. Serve with rice.

{% img centre /images/CowboyChilli/morganp-20130908-CowboyChilli-IMG_3968.jpg %}
