
A flip-flop (D-Type) is essentially 2 latches in series with the enable to one inverted. This stops the flip-flop from being transparent or open as a single latch can be.

For ASIC design it is recommended that all flip-flops use active low asynchronous resets. This is often connected to the power on reset circuit and retimed on to the rising edge of the clock at the top level of the chip.

In Verilog a D-Type flip-flop can be implied with the following logic.
NB: the reg implies nothing about the flip-flop only that data is assigned inside an always block.

reg [1:0] data; 
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
  if (~rst_n) begin
    data <= 'b0;
  else begin
    data <= new_data;

If your flow supports the use of SystemVerilog, use of the always_comb, always_latch and always_ff are recommended. the rules for sensitivity lists are a little stricter to minimize RTL to gates mismatch. The added benefit is that it allows the designer to be clear about design intent. Using the logic type also removes confusion about reg implying flip-flops and allows code refacoring with out having to switch types.

logic [1:0] data; 
always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
  if (~rst_n) begin
    data <= 'b0;
  else begin
    data <= new_data;

With a Synchronous Reset:

logic [1:0] data; 
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  if (~rst_n) begin
    data <= 'b0;
  else begin
    data <= new_data;

No Reset:

logic [1:0] data; 
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  data <= new_data;
