Modify Pelican theme

First figure out which theme you are using. List installed themes via:

% pelican-themes -l
notmyidea does not set a THEME, therfore defaulting to notmyidea.

The template locaions are (update your python version as appropriate):

cd venv/lib/python3.13/site-packages/pelican/themes/notmyidea/templates

At a minimum a theme must contain these files, which could be altered in your local copy of the theme.

└── templates
    ├── archives.html         // to display archives
    ├── period_archives.html  // to display time-period archives
    ├── article.html          // processed for each article
    ├── author.html           // processed for each author
    ├── authors.html          // must list all the authors
    ├── categories.html       // must list all the categories
    ├── category.html         // processed for each category
    ├── index.html            // the index (list all the articles)
    ├── page.html             // processed for each page
    ├── tag.html              // processed for each tag
    └── tags.html             // must list all the tags. Can be a tag cloud.
